Farmer & Irwin completed work on the Sandy Pines Residential Treatment Center expansion in Tequesta, Florida on December 16, 2013. The expansion included a 38 bed residential building and education building. Farmer & Irwin was part of the core management group of this design build project built under the LEAN construction principles. The project was completed as scheduled and under budget. The scope of work included the Plumbing, Fire Sprinklers, HVAC and Ductwork. The HVAC Division installed a system of Carrier rooftop package units, 54 VAV (variable air volume) boxes, and Carrier controls in the two buildings. Anti-ligature fixtures specific to this project were installed by the Plumbing Division along with all supply and waste piping throughout the buildings. The Fire Sprinkler Division designed and installed two wet pipe systems using over 300 conventional and Raven institutional sprinkler heads. The entire project was a success for the owner United Health Systems and the contractors involved.
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Sandy Pines Expansion Successfully Completed
- Published: Monday, 23 December 2013 13:43